It is important to understand you may be perceived by a member of the public as a representative of RGX Medical while at this event, regardless of whether you are on shift or off shift. Requirements of the Code of Conduct are listed below:
- Do NOT use staff/medical credentials to access VIP or limited access areas when off shift.
- Do NOT wear ANY clothing identifying yourself as medical unless you are on shift and working.
- Your safety is the number one priority. If you are treating a patient who is making you feel unsafe or you feel a patient represents a safety risk to yourself or others, notify a supervisor immediately.
- Do not discuss any patient information with anyone outside the context of the professional work environment. Always protect patient privacy and confidentiality.
- Do not engage in any inappropriate behavior with patients while they are being treated by medical or any time after they have been treated. (Inappropriate behavior includes consumption of any intoxicating substance or any sexual conduct whatsoever.)
- No possession, sale, or distribution of any illegal drug.
- No public intoxication, even while off shift.
- No intoxicants within the 8 hours before your shift.
- Show up 10 minutes early for your shift. Be sober, well-rested, and ready to work for the duration of your shift.
- Show up prepared. Bring a headlamp, closed-toed shoes, and a watch to your shift.
Your behaviors and actions directly reflect on RGX Medical and your peers. ANY Inappropriate/rude/offensive actions will result in a surrender of your privilege to volunteer with RGX Medical and you will be escorted out of the event.